سؤال وجواب

Who are the people permitted not to fast in Ramadan

Who are the people permitted not to fast in Ramadan

أهلا بكم، نوفر لحضراتكم Who are the people permitted not to fast in Ramadan

Who are the people permitted not to fast in Ramadan?



The ones permitted to eat at the day of Ramadan are those who have legitimate excusesas follows:First, the one who is in travel for more than 83 km in which shortening the prayer is permitted.Second, the patient whose fast may exhaust him or bring him other harmsor delay his recovery.This person doesn’t have to fast.Third, the woman in her period and the one in her postnatal depression are prohibited to fast and as for the pregnant and breastfeeding they don’t have to fast if they fear danger for their babies. Forth, the personal with a chronic disease and the elderly person who can’t endure the fast. All these people have a license not to fast. Some of them have to re-fast the days they left in Ramadan such as the traveler ,the patient who is expected to heal ,the woman in her period and in the one in her post-natal depression, and the pregnant and the breastfeeding woman. All these people are obliged to re-fasting as Allah saysshall fast instead for the same number of other days.But those who can’t re-fast at all like the weak elderly person and the chronic patient they don’t have to fast but instead they must feed a needy person for each day as Allah says who can’t afford it must make sacrifice by feeding a needy person.

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